Tony Schiena

Tony Schiena is a counterterrorism expert and former intelligence operative, having served in various capacities in the private security sector as well as aiding government and various law enforcement agencies. He is the founder of MOSAIC Intelligence Academy as well as MOSAIC and its affiliated companies.

Tony has a history of conflict area activity in various capacities and areas of support, from providing emergency training to the ANA (Afghan National Army) after a devastating attack on its newly-formed CID unit to his most recent endeavors in Iraq in support of defeating ISIS. Tony trained the Kurdish Peshmerga in the early stages of their struggle as the then, only organized force against ISIS. His efforts made worldwide headlines due to his exposure of chemical weapon usage by ISIS against the Kurds. Embedded with the head of military intelligence, Tony investigated and collected evidence of the chemical and radiological attacks on the Kurds, trained Kurdish special forces commanders in escape & evasion, defensive tactics and counter insurgency as well as providing emergency lectures on how to secure front line bases against chemical attacks.

Tony’s career started during a pivotal part of world history in which South Africa averted an imminent civil war, abolishment of the oppressive system of apartheid and smooth transition of government. A man of diverse experience and accomplishment, Tony later served as Deputy Sheriff in Bedford County, Virginia for over a decade in the capacity of Lieutenant / Senior Advisor to Sheriff Mike Brown as well as a member of the ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children) Federal Task Force, he also became Chief Counter-Terrorism Advisor to NSA-Sheriff and its Executive Director at the time, John Thompson. Prior to that Tony formed the NSA Sheriff Special Operations Team consisting of former special forces operators with a remit to train and enhance the skill-set of Sheriff department S.W.A.T. teams who were battling drug cartels. Tony was also appointed by two district attorneys as Special Detective on a Pennsylvania joint-county drug interdiction task force that raided high-threat targets.

He has numerous other prestigious affiliations and memberships including being a long-standing member of the International Police Association as well as being awarded the rank of Lieutenant Colonel by the Hungarian National Guard for meritorious service in training members of its intelligence and special forces. Tony is currently Senior Advisor to NW3C (National White Collar Crime Center) and is on the Board of Governors of Global Society of Homeland and National Security Professionals and also an Honorary Member of Homeland Security Philanthropy Council.

Tony has for well-over a decade dedicated time to fighting sex trafficking of children through his registered US based 501(c)3 charity and UK-registered HMRC non-profit. The Mosaic Federation was formed by Tony and the current Assistant Deputy Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police Force. Tony has spoken at the United Nations, G20 women’s conference in Paris, the Vatican and various other prestigious platforms on human trafficking. His organization also collaborates yearly with CNN International on a successful, global, strategic communication initiative on modern-day slavery.